Do you think it's a coincidence that when top Legalizer group National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws shortens their name that it spells NORML? After all, what is their goal? To NORML-ize marijuana by reducing the perception of harm so that people will be more accepting when legalization starts knocking.
More NORML-ization from Stroup The Founder and current Board Member of NORML released a new blog on the organizations website earlier today on how marijuana users are still being unjustly singled out, but not as much as before. In this blog Stroup talks about how teen use is down while adult use is up. I was little concerned about the numbers he used in the area of people being arrested because the link to the FBI data had nothing to support his points. When you open the link you are taken to a page that towards the bottom had a table with drug arrests, but the stats are in percentages and not actual numbers. The rest of the page is stats or links to stats for violent crimes and property crimes. Just like his entire career as a marijuana activist these stats seem to be made up or assumptions. One thing I can tell you is that marijuana possession arrests aren't even close to being as high as Stroup and other Legalizers will tell you. The actual amount of people arrested for possession of small amounts of marijuana is less than 1% of the total people arrested. The next part of his blog is about public acceptance and how more adults are using as compared to past years. I don't really see that as a good thing, but even with the latest polls adult marijuana users only make up about 10% of the total US population. For hundreds of years we have sat back and watched as tobacco
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